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Thanks for the Save the Redwoods League article in response to the "Sequoia Groves Under Siege by Logging" article. Camp 70 foresters, Chris Conrad and I visited several groves in August including Long Meadow grove where Save the Redwoods League was working with the Forest Service to remove dead trees in the groves. Rick Elkins wrote an article for Giant Sequoia News Letter, regarding our visit. Save the Redwoods League is doing the work that needs to be done in its groves and those where it is working with the USFS and others. This work is called Forest Management, where the goal is to protect the Giant Sequoias. The work is not aggressive. We would like to see more intense biomass removal, but Save the Redwoods League is doing what it thinks is necessary to protect the groves through limited biomass removal. We applaud them for there efforts. We can debate levels of biomass treatment,. but we shouldn't debate that action to preserve our Giant Sequoia groves is needed. More of these joint partnerships are needed to address the threat of potential destruction of our sacred Giant Sequoia groves.

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