Mineral king

Lovely place! almost became a ski area in the 60s! But some places are too important to mess with argument prevailed, with major help from our 2 (non-skier) representatives . Whew.

But be warned- Marmots will try to get into your cars engine and chew the wiring. Don’t leave your car for long! You will see cars left by hikers all wrapped up in tarps and chicken wire. Cute little critters, but sharp rodent teeth and goat stomachs!

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Thank you, Claudia, for the lightning link! We have a cabin in Camp Nelson and appreciate the info!

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My Tempest weather station detects nearby lightning strikes. I had one strike hit a 100 year old black oak on my property. The water had pooled inside the trunk of the tree and exploded the tree apart by the force of the water vapor expanding.

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Shotgun, Poison, Trout, Clover, Jennie, etc - all annual fire names when perusing SQF's WildCAD. All of them in or near wilderness, almost always a lightning start.

Mineral King is an awesome spot and i highly recommend you make the trek even for a day. As mentioned, make sure to bring a tarp and something to secure it setting the engine block with if you're planning on leaving the car for the day or overnight.

Marmots move surprisingly fast for little pudgy critters.

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